Visit my new practice location!

Optimal Wellness is located at 1215 S. 1680 W. Suite 100, Orem, Utah. We offer wellness services including vitamin and hormone optimization, nutrition counseling, weight loss education and support among others. We are an integrative practice that blends traditional with holistic medicine. We encourage our patients to achieve and maintain optimal wellness and improve their quality of life. Contact our office at (801) 899-6131 and Visit our website at

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Come one come all

As of Nov 1st we are accepting and billing:
Educator Mutual, Blue Cross Blue Shields, Altius, Aetna.
As of Nov. 20th we will are accepting and billing:
ALL Select Health Insurance
so call today and get your annual, lab follow-up, hormone, fatigue, vitamin defiency and more...
before the end of the deductible year.
 Schedule an appt with Kristie B. Rosser today
Office phone: 801-899-6131
Fax: 801-705-0171